June 30, 2024

Essential Korean Phrases for Travelers

Traveling to Korea soon, but intimidated by the language barrier? It’s possible to find people who speak enough English to get around easily if you stay within the more tourist-areas of the country (mostly areas in Seoul). But it is always helpful (and respectful) in any country you visit to learn a few keys words and phrases, plus it’s a lot of fun! Below I’ve listed the most essential phrases for travelers to know when visiting the country, plus a few extra tips to help you move past the language barrier with more ease. Bookmark this page to easily access these helpful phrases when on your trip; then check out these other articles for “Aesthetic Cafes in Seoul” and “Restaurants in Seoul for Solo Travelers,” where you can use these phrases in real life!

yes: (네) “nay

no: (아니요) “ah-nee-yo

hello: (안녕하세요) “ahn-nyeong-ha-say-yo

thank you: (감사합니다) technically, the pronunciation is “kahm-sa-hahm-ni-da,” but in order to sound more natural in your pronunciation, say it like “kahm-sahm-ni-da

please give me _________.: (_________ 주세요.) “_________ joo-say-yo.”

how much is it?: (얼마예요?) “ohl-ma-yea-yo?

getting a waiter’s attention in a restaurant: (저기요) “jo-gi-yo“- this technically means “over there,” but is sometimes translated as “excuse me.” Do NOT use this as we use “excuse me” in English. Only say it when trying to get a waiter’s or another person’s attention.

If you want to attempt something a little more difficult, you can say “I don’t speak Korean.”: (한국어 못 해요.) “hahn-gook-oh-mow-tay-yo

There are a couple of helpful Korean signs/phrases to have on hand for special purposes. Keep a link to these below in case you need to find some essential locations!

pharmacy: “약”

bathroom: “화장실”

exit: “나가는 곳”

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